Epithelial cyst
Excision of retroperitoneal epithelian cyst (16 cm), using laparoscopic access
Автор: Puchkov K.V.
Excision of retroperitoneal epithelian cyst (16 cm) , using laparoscopic access. Professor Puchkov K.V. is performing an operation (2016).
In this video the technique of laparoscopic dissection of retroperitoneal cyst in the area of the right kidney is presented. It is done by a 5 mm LigaSure MEDTRONIC COVIDIEN instrument. Parietal abdomen is opened, and mobilization of the ascending part of the big colon is done between fascia Gerotae and Toldt’s fascia. The cyst is exposed out of the surrounding tissues, opened, the contents (450 mL) are aspirated. The base of the cyst near the external surface of kidney is coagulated. Operation duration is 30 minutes.
You can read about this technique in detail on the personal cite of Professor Puchkov Konstantin Viktorovich. To go to the link.